Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Genius Jeans!

As a shorty (I'm only 5'3"), I'm used to having nearly everything shortened - particularly jeans. And I understand it - after all, it's at least doable to shorten jeans (even if it means having the original hem reattached, an absolute must with jeans unless you want to look like a geek who's hemmed their jeans), but if the jeans are too short on the tall girls, there's clearly nothing to be done.

But over the weekend I discovered Joe's Jeans "Provocateur" fit - designed for us shorties! That's right, no hemming required. Supposedly, more than just the length is designed for pipsqueaks - something about the knee break at a different spot and special fading to lengthen the leg. Not sure I buy all of that, but I'm happy to save the $15 alteration fee.

I found these particularly Joe's Jeans at Von Maur at Castleton Square Mall, but Joe's Jeans are available all over the place - Nordstrom's, Saks, probably Frankey's, and a million places on line.

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