Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Won't Be Purchasing Any Red Penguins

Ok, so I have found a gallery in Belgium, called Artiscope, that has three of Cracking Art's Red Penguins still available for sale, for the low low price of 3000Euro. That's right - that translates to $4,300. Add in shipping from Belgium for the 5-foot tall penguin, and I'm sure you're up to five large.

So needless to say, I will not be purchasing a Red Penguin, much as I want to. Even for me, it's tough to justify $5,000 for a large plastic penguin.

However, where there's a will, there's a way, so an experiment is underway. I found two plastic penguins on Ebay - no, not quite like the big red one, but perhaps close? They're a bit shorter, only about 2 ft tall, and painted black and white. But I've found some spray paint, Krylon Fusion, that supposedly bonds to plastic with no primer. So I'm going to paint my own plastic penguins, just to see if maybe - maybe - they'll be some sort of reasonable facsimile of the famous Red Penguins???

I'll let you know how it goes.

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