Monday, September 10, 2007

Back and Better Than Ever!

Sorry IndyStyle's been MIA the last few days. But I'm back, and hopefully soon to be better than ever. A note on future direction for the blog - soon, IndyStyle will begin taking to the streets, including shots here and there of particularly well-dressed Indy residents. So keep that in mind as you get dressed in the a.m. - IndyStyle might be watching! But only positives will go up here, no negatives.

It's a little past-due given that the Colts' home opener was last Thursday, but I thought it important to address some burning issues around the wearing of Colts jerseys and other paraphernalia. Apparently, there's some mayoral proclamation declaring "Blue Thursday" (before this game) and "Blue Friday" (before typical Colts Sunday games) - literally a plea from the mayor to sport your Colts gear, or at least some blue, on those days. My take on that is, blue is fine; full-on Colts regalia is not. I just can't imagine a scenario - a return trip to the Super Bowl included - where I will ever believe that is acceptable to sport a Colts jersey, or an athletic jersey of any sort, in an office setting. Go ahead, wear your jerseys to the game, pep rally or free Colts concert; wear them with glee all you want around your house...just, please, for God's sake, don't wear them to the office. Or out to dinner. Or to a bar/club. Please.

Along this same line of discussion - and I know I've promised to use my blogging powers for good rather than evil and stay positive here, but this must be said - under no circumstances is the pink, "girlie" jersey acceptable. No, no, no. Jerseys may be worn only in official team colors. The pink horseshoe should be reserved for some sort of women's health or women's rights statement. Perhaps the pink horseshoe could come to symbolize the fact that you've joined the fight against hoof and mouth disease in women. Or maybe it could become a symbol of "good luck for women" or something, but it should never, ever be used to show girlie pride for the Colts.

'Nuff said. Go Colts!

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